Sunday, August 17, 2014

About me

Today I will start with a little introduction of me.I´m just a nerd with many passions like doll collecting,especially Ever After High,Monster High,Disney dolls and some Pullip dolls.I also love lowbrow art and have a Tim Burton obsession and collect merchandise of his movies.I love love Disney movies and like Punk and Goth Rock.I also have a thing for photography,baking,everything Vintage,(mad) Tea Partys,Tattoos,fairytales,cats,rabbits,raccoons,wolves,sewing (I´m new into it,but I try to sew Vintage and punkish clothes for me and my dollys).I´m a big reader and love the authors of the Romantic era and the decadent movement,as well as Shakespeare,Dickens,the Bronte sisters and of course Lewis Carroll.My favourite modern day authors are Neil Gaiman,Christoph Marzi,Anne Rice and Suzanne Collins.

I will write about some of my obsessions here on this blog,so if you´re interested in one of them,I´d be happy if you´d come here from time to time and visit me ;-).But mainly this blog is about Cerise and Maddie from the Mattel franchise Ever After High,as well as the other Wonderlandians.

Why a blog about Cerise and Maddie?

When I first saw them and read their stories in their diaries,I fell absolutely in love with them.They are not just beautiful dolls for me.They both remind me so much of myself and my past,so they mean way more to me.Cerise is totally like I was in my school time,I was very shy and liked to hide behind my hoodie,but at the same time I was always very proud for being "different" than my classmates.I wanted to go my own way and not follow the well-trod paths.And all the bad wolves I was about to meet weren´t even that bad as our mothers told us ;-).

Besides,I always loved fairytales and their imagery.
I like Maddie equally as Cerise,because the Alice in Wonderland novel was with me my whole life.You could say I knew the novel before I was born,since my mom read it to my sister when she was pregnant with me,and later she read it to me too of course.I love Alice because I can´t say how often I felt like her,sitting in the garden with a book and dreaming myself away.Besides,I always had cats and rabbits as pets.I also throw often mad tea parties and love to bake.And Maddie reminds me of a cute,colourful cupcake.She´s just such a sweetheart.My friends even like to say that I`m a bit crazy,well, quite mad as a hatter ;-).Mad as the sweet rebellious Madeline Hatter,and proud of it :-).

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