Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Marie Antoinette´s not dead

The book cover for Suzanne Selfors´next EAH novel "A semi-charming kind of life" was revealed and it finally showed us the character artwork for Darling Charming.And I must say that I LOVE HER!!I think she looks like a mash-up between Marie Antoinette and Joan of Arc.
That´s so cool since Sofia Coppola´s Marie movie is one of my all time fav movies and I love the mash up between a story from history that makes you think,Punk/Gothic 80´s music and a Candy-coloured aesthetic.

And I always loved the idea of a "Punk Marie Antoinette"

And of course I love girls who are great rolemodels and fight for their rights so I always wanted to have a warrior princess character in the EAH universe :-).
I think she´s much cooler than her brothers ;-)
So damn,another character that makes me break my rule to only collect  Cerise and the Wonderlanders ;-)

Picture Source:EAH Dolls Facebook,Buzznet,

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