Monday, November 10, 2014

Maddie´s Blueberry Scones

As promised,I´d like to show you how my first baking try from the Hat tastic Tea Party Planner turned out!When I read the recipe for Blueberry scones,I knew I had to do them first!I looooove scones and make them very often and they´re gorgeous for a nice breakfast.I hope you will give this recipe a try too,the scones are very fruity and refreshing.Maddie and Lizzie,of course helped me baking ;-)

                                           Here´s the recipe,I hope you´ll try it too!!

Maddie:"Damn Lizzie,how much cups was I supposed to put into the dough?"
(Translated from Riddlish) ;-)

These are the finished scones with some powdered sugar.I used a bit more blueberrys than required in the recipe,but that´s up to you.I hope you liked my baking adventure,´cause more a sure to follow ;-)

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